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Recent English premier league news

Monday 11 October 2010

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Scottish FA have announced that they reach no intention to convince Josh McEachran to Scotland. The Chelsea midfielder is one of the emerging talents in the Premier League, but the coach of the Scottish under 21 years, Billy Stark, who said the report, who believe he was 17, rushed to change allegiance to the Three Lions.

McEachran made his debut in the Premier League two weeks ago, when it is used as a substitute against Manchester City. Josh has the ability to choose between the two nations because of his Scottish ancestry.

"Sure, I know Josh, but he plays for England and there is nothing to suggest he is satisfied with the situation. 'S play for England and that is what concerns me. If someone is currently playing for another nation, would have we give some encouragement. "Said the Scottish Under-21 coach.


Blackpool boss Ian Holloway has spoken regret over the midfielder Keith. Keith has played an vital role in promoting the next surprise of the season in the English Premier League final, but failed after him yet a single sign of Blackpool yet.

"Keith has in this world right now unhappy because he was maybe one of our best players last year and they can not even enter the time. I promise them all they should have the opportunity, but with latest players and the training we have, we look a risk and caused Liverpool all sort of troubles. But in the course of the season through injury and we have to be tested. "remained the Head of Blackpool.

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